About this course
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Project Scenario
5 Parts
- 0:29 Hr
Project Overview
Overview of the guided project
9 Min
SQL Query
Download this file and open. You will need this to run the SQL that will create the tables.
72.41 KB MB
Creating the SQL tables
87.20 MB MB
Explore the data and ERD
19.65 MB MB
Business Questions and submission
Analyze the data to answer the questions.
20 Min
Guided Solution
8 Parts
Tutorial 1: Retrieve top selling products based total orders?
16.20 MB MB
Tutorial 2: Retrieve the Top 10 most profitable products
25.67 MB MB
Question 3: retrieve the products that are loss-making
21.76 MB MB
Tutorial 4: Retrieve the top 10 customers by orders
18.09 MB MB
Tutorial 5: Retrieve the customers with no orders
28.54 MB MB
Tutorial 6: Retrieve the days with the highest sales volume
21.03 MB MB
Tutorial 7: Retrieve the months with the highest sales volume
14.93 MB MB
Tutorial 8: Retrieve the products with no orders
17.60 MB MB
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