10days to Modern Dashboard Design with Power BI
in Power BIAbout this course
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Download this file. This contains the dataset and the icons we used in this course. Make sure you unzip the file after download.
Overview of the dataset
Import and profile datasets
Data modeling
Business calculations 1
Other Business calculations: Total Revenue, Total cost, Total profit, Porfit margin
Adding time intelligence calculations: Revenue PY, Cost PY, Order PY and Profit Margin PY.
Year on Year Analysis
Customize the color palette
Report page background
Adding Company profile
Visualize Key performance indicators 1
Visualize Key performance indicators 2
Visualize orders by country
Orders by year and quarter
Visualize Top 3 customers by revenue and discount band aalysis
Designing button slicer
Adding product image and description
Project 2 overview
Month on month calculations
Adding product button slicer
Profitability Trend
Adding card visual
Profit by customer types
Report overview
Report Layout
Best selling products
Most profitable customers
0rders by product category
Profitability trend
Adding button slicer
Adding check marks to slicer button
Adding report page tooltip
Finalize report 3
Submit your report for review and feedback